UPAYA MEMBANGUN KEARIFAN LOKAL MELALUI PARADIGMA SADAR WISATA (Studi Khasus : Di Desa Sendang Dhuwur, Kecamatan Paciran, Kabupaten Lamongan)
Kata Kunci:
Keyword : The effort to build, Local wisdom, Tourism awareness.Abstrak
The study starts from the fact that Indonesia has many
amazing tourism. The tomb of Sunan Sendang in Lamongan
particularly has beautiful temples, unique culture and various
tempting traditional arts. Their attractions become a potential to
develop and it will bring advantages for the society. By
exploring and developing local wisdom, we can decrease and
avoid the poverty since the natural source is conserved for the
next generation. Local wisdom contains norms and social values
which regulate the balance of natural source support and human
life style and needs. Therefore, it should be inseparated part of
policy against poverty. Beside a structural approach, we can
explore local society life. The development of tourism village
leads to vary activities in the village and open a wide workfield
for the society.
The study aims to (1) describe the efforts to build local
wisdom (2) describe the effort to build tourism awareness
paradigm to develop tourism village, (3) to find supporting and
inhibiting factors in developing tourism village.
The researcher employed a qualitative approach using
case study design. Data collection was done using in-depth
interview, participative observation, and documentation. Data
analysis technique included data reduction, data presentation
and conclusion drawing. To check data validity, the researcher
used source and method triangulation. The informants were the
village chief, the family of Sunan Sendang, the head of
Pokdarwis, the committee of Pokdarwis, the members of
Pokdarwis and the society. The result shows that (1) the efforts
to build local wisdom should involve the society, government
and private parties in developing tourism village. Creating a
Pokdarwis becomes a solution for the village society and
government in building local wisdom to be a tourism attraction;
(2) In building tourism awareness, it is important to have a
particular organization and governemnt support to provide
assistance, training and guidance for the society to develop
tourism awareness in the village of Sendang Duwur ; (3) The
supporting factor in developing tourism village is the support
from central, local and village government. Meanwhile, the
inhibiting factor are the society apatism and business
competition among batik and gold enterpreneurs.